Facial Aesthetic Surgery


Surgical facelift is an anti-ageing procedure which gives you a youthful look, takes away your wrinkles permanently and corrects the sagging face. It is the most commonly asked surgical procedure by clients after thread lift or facial rejuvenation in facial aesthetics. It is the procedure of choice in correcting severe degree of facial droop. Facelift can be combined with brow lift, eyelid lift and neck lift as well.

Facelift are of three major types, the full facelift or a composite lift, the mid face lift and the lower face lift.  The three types of face lift are done for different degrees of facial sagging. All can be combined with brow lift, neck lift and eyelid lift.  Facelift surgery is like redesigning the interior of the face to give you permanent younger look.

How does a facelift work?

During a facelift, your surgeon repositions fat and tissue under the skin to:

  • help smooth out creases
  • remove excess skin that’s causing “jowls
  • lift and tighten the facial skin

Operation Information

Duration:  3-4 hours
Incision Location:  In the hair line (hidden)
Hospitalization:  1-2 days
Recovery Period:  2 weeks
Anesthesia:  General Anesthesia
Stitch Removal:  5-7 days after procedure

Frequently asked questions

Is facelift a safe surgery ?

Facelift is a very safe procedure, if done by an experienced cosmetic surgeon. However, you need to get yourself evaluated before the surgery to see if you can safely undergo this surgical procedure.

How to know if I need a facelift ?

The best thing to do, is to get yourself evaluated by a qualified board certified cosmetic surgeon. In general the signs of ageing include loss of buccal fat pads, dark circles, appearance of jowls, midface sagging, eyelid sagging, appearance of eye bags and wrinkles over the face and neck.

How do I prepare for facelift procedure ?

Preparing for a facelift is similar to preparing for surgery of any other kind. Before the surgery, your doctor will ask for blood work or a presurgical evaluation. They may ask you to stop taking certain medications or adjust the dosage before the procedure.

Your doctor might also ask you to:
  • Stop smoking.
  • Discontinue use of aspirin, anti-inflammatory pain relievers, and any herbal supplements to reduce the risk of bleeding and bruising.
  • Apply specific products to your face before the procedure.

Whether your procedure takes place at a surgical center or hospital, you’ll need someone to drive you to and from the surgery since you’ll likely be under general anesthesia. It’s a good idea to arrange for someone to stay with you for a night or two after the surgery as well.

What to expect after facelift ?

After the surgery, your doctor will likely prescribe pain medication. You may or may not have some pain or discomfort along with swelling and bruising. This is all normal.

Your doctor will give you instructions on when to remove any dressings or drains and when to make a follow-up appointment.

Once the swelling goes down, you’ll be able to see the difference in how you look. As far as your skin “feeling” normal, this usually takes several months.

Typically, give yourself about two weeks before resuming a normal level of daily activity. For more strenuous activity, like exercise, wait about four weeks. Everyone is different, though, so ask your doctor when you can expect to be able to resume your usual activities.

To help extend the results of your facelift, moisturize your face daily, protect it from the sun, and live a generally healthy lifestyle.

The results of a facelift aren’t guaranteed. You might not get your desired results from one surgery. Sometimes a subsequent surgery is necessary.

Talk with your doctor about what you can do to help ensure a successful facelift and what you can reasonably expect from the surgery.

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